The liver is the Central organ of metabolism. The main functions of the liver include: degradation and excretion of substances, the production of vital proteins, utilization of food components. The liver is the largest digestive gland in the adult body. It forms various blood proteins, protective agents and bile is the main organ of detoxification. Almost all of the nutrients that are absorbed from the intestine into the blood, get first to the liver and then as needed or enters the blood or removed from the blood. Other tasks of the liver is the accumulation of vitamins and synthesis of source materials for the production of hormones. The liver takes an active part in the control of glucose metabolism, fats and proteins. Glucose is absorbed by intestinal blood and passed under the control of the rest of the body. The excess is stored as glycogen. When hunger stored substance is processed into glucose. Regulating hormones (such as insulin) liver affect blood sugar levels and regardless of the incoming food keeps it at a constant level. Insulin is activated in the liver, "burning" sugar and inhibits fat breakdown.

The role of the liver peptides
The optimal functioning of the human digestive system is directly related to the condition of the cells of the liver. Modern scientific knowledge to prove that the health of the body depends on the health of individual cells. Function cells are well, then organs and organ systems work well. In order for cells worked well, they must continuously and in sufficient quantity to supply the necessary nutrients. But this one, in accordance with the latest scientific knowledge, is not enough.

For over 30 years, as scientists, doctors discovered that, for the normal functioning of cells, among other things, necessary and peptides. Peptides are small data molecules, short chains of amino acids, the address coordinates of genes. Peptides are formed in the cells of various tissues of the body during protein metabolism. Their main function is to activate the reading of the genetic information in DNA. Thus they initiate protein synthesis in cells and regulate their proper functioning. Scientists have found that deficiency of peptides in the body resulting in impaired functions in cells, cellular dysfunction, accelerated "wear" fabrics, development of pathological conditions and accelerated aging of the body. At the same time, they many studies have shown that the use of peptides and remove deficiency of peptides in the body not only contributes to the regulation of cell functions but even lost cell function can thus be restored.

For normal functions will require liver cells, among other things, tissue-specific peptides (peptides liver) that support and regulate their functions. In a small number of these peptides can be ingested with food, but the main part is formed in the cells of the body, namely in the liver cells.

Liver cells produce different types of proteins. Some of them are responsible for the generation of peptides that regulate the liver cells. The peptides of the liver are components of protein molecules to the liver tissue. In the metabolism of proteins (the protein fraction) they are removed. One of the most important tasks of the peptides of the liver tissue is the activation of the reading of genetic information DNA in liver cells. Thus peptides play a role in «key DNA». The peptides of the liver start protein synthesis in liver cells, regulate metabolism in these cells and regulate their activity. Peptides cause the cell to function as biologically necessary. As a young, healthy body. When liver cells are functioning well, and the liver as an organ, works well. If the normal function of liver cells violations occurred, respectively, and the liver is bad. This leads to impaired function of the entire digestive system. Therefore, an adequate presence of the peptides of the liver in the body, is very important.

In the young organism peptides, as a rule, are formed in sufficient quantities and liver cells work well. But with age, especially under the influence on the organism of a large number of different negative and stress factors (illness, stress, physical stress, bad and insufficient food, and so on) occurs in the body, as is known, the decrease in protein synthesis. In the peptides of the liver is formed also less. The more intense is the load, the faster is depleted in the body the level of peptides. The result of this is the lack of regulatory peptides. This leads to disruption of cell function, development of pathological conditions and accelerated wear of the main systems of the body. The more extreme the conditions in which it operates, the liver , the higher the load on the liver and the need for tissue-specific peptides (peptides liver) and the faster arise in the liver cells of errors and failures of their functions, if this requirement is not covered properly. This, in turn, can lead to the loss of some important functions of the liver cells and accelerated wear or aging of the liver.

In such situations it is useful specifically poddergivat cells of the liver tissue. One of the most effective methods for this is the use of peptides liver of animal origin. In all mammals, the peptides are the same. In numerous studies, scientists have shown that if you take the peptides selected from the liver tissue of animals, for example from calves or pigs, and enter them into the body of another animal or person, they are accepted by the body as its own substance. Peptides have tissue-specific function. Ie, they apply only in the tissue from which they were originally allocated. Through the use of the peptides of the liver in the body is enriched pool of regulatory peptides produced by the liver cells. Thus, the use of peptides liver helps to normalize and maintain a physiologically normal levels of peptides in the cells of the liver tissue. This, in turn, leads to normalization of metabolism in the liver cells and normalization of their functions to physiologically normal levels. Normalization of cell function leads to normalization of the liver and functions of the digestive system.

Peptides of the liver - clinical studies
In a clinical study established the efficacy of the peptides of the liver for a comprehensive recovery functions of the digestive system after diseases of various origins, under pathological conditions, leading to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, when exposed to extreme environmental factors, malnutrition, disorders of lipid metabolism, as well as during aging. The use of peptides liver does not cause any side effects, complications or contraindications.

Peptides of the liver - recommended applications

  • for a complete normalization of the functions of the digestive system during recovery after illnesses of different genesis
  • pathological conditions, leading to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract
  • metabolic disorders
  • reduced liver function
  • chronic hepatitis of different etiology
  • chronic intoxication
  • skin diseases
  • normalization of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis and obesity
  • the prevention of diabetes
  • malnutrition
  • for the preservation of the functions of the digestive system during aging

Areas of applications based on the biological effects of the active substances, included in this product based on scientific evidence and practical experience.